“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity..." Edith Lovejoy Pierce here we are, with a new chapter in our lives unfolding. what will it bring for you? for me? as the year 2008 came to a close and the door for 2009 opened, i found myself in an interesting place. fresh and unfamiliar territory surrounded me: new apartment, pretty new job and still new to this city (although, it's not as unfamiliar as it was...). new thoughts, questions, challenges. new friends. however, i also found myself encompassed by things of the past. old friends, which is never bad. old comforts. and also, older, drearier, worn out thoughts, habits, challenges, and questions. here i am, at a crossroads. which will i cling to? which will i head towards? will it be a journey forward, of growth, discovery, and relationships? or will i find myself turning around and heading to the past, clinging to experiences that i let define m...