conflicting feelings abound.... i'm feeling quite blah right now....however, i'm also feeling yay! because tomorrow i'm headed to athens for the rest of the week. it's been a long time since i've been to athens. when i left (because i graudated), i wasn't sure when i'd ever be back, for a myriad of reasons, but that's another story for another time, perhaps. i went back for a football game once last fall and most of the time it felt really weird...this time, i'm actually looking forward to it. 1 bridal shower, 1 graduation, 1 graduation party, and a lot of spending time with friends. of all the things that i miss about college/ that i would change about "real life" it would have to be my friends. i love the friends i have now, so please don't get me wrong. you're all precious and wonderful to me, and i feel blessed to have you in my life. there's something comforting about friends who have known you for awhile. i miss them, and ...
Learning to live courageously and love ferociously, following God one step at a time, desiring to be part of a story bigger than me.