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spontaneity and adventure at its best least in my life. as of 11:15 this morning, I'm going to back to Jamaica. It's been four years since my last trip. I love that island. And I'm leaving this Friday (I'm still in limbo -- it depends on whether I get a sub or not). Here's how it happened...
On Wednesday, I went to jgroup as normal. A lot of our girls are going to Jamaica, and with them leaving in a little over a week, that's all anyone wanted to talk about, which is completely normal. In talking to Alice (another of the leaders -- we meet at her house), I made the comment that I would so be there if I could. Little did I know that that comment would make its way to other ears.
The next day, Alice told Nikki, a good friend who is also going to Jamaica (and had mentioned me going a few times before). Nikki apparently then called James, the high school pastor. On Saturday, after I spent some time shopping, I got a call from Nikki, wondering if I had heard from James at all. I hadn't, so Nikki called Dave, who told me to call him in a little while. I did and we talked, and I told him I would let him know either way this morning.
In trying to make the decision, I was just hesitating for some reason. There was nothing that was really standing in the way -- I had the money, it was spring break, I have a current passport, most of the girls from my jgroup were going, and I really didn't think it would be a problem for me to take off work on Friday. But something was keeping me back.
I'm a worrier by nature -- I worry about everything. I tend to fear the future (sometimes the present, too) and doubt so much about my life. I know this isn't the way God intends us to live, and I'm learning to walk forward in spite of it, but many times, it is often a daily struggle. Anyway, I was talking to Nikki last night and mentioned this. She was really encouraging and knowing she was praying for me made a big difference. I started praying in thankfulness.
When I went to bed, I began Beth Moore's new study, Stepping Up. I've heard great things about it, and I'm really excited about it. I didn't have the cds yet, but decided to start anyway. The first verse I was supposed to look up?
1 Peter 5:6-7 -- "Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you."

And so here I am. Going back to Jamaica. And I'm super excited.

God is good.


gini said…
You're in Jamaica right now... I should be writing a literature review, but I got lost in blog reading! :) I am praying for you. I love seeing God work in and through you, Miss Spontaneity! I can't wait to hear about your trip!

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