....at least in my life. as of 11:15 this morning, I'm going to back to Jamaica. It's been four years since my last trip. I love that island. And I'm leaving this Friday (I'm still in limbo -- it depends on whether I get a sub or not). Here's how it happened... On Wednesday, I went to jgroup as normal. A lot of our girls are going to Jamaica, and with them leaving in a little over a week, that's all anyone wanted to talk about, which is completely normal. In talking to Alice (another of the leaders -- we meet at her house), I made the comment that I would so be there if I could. Little did I know that that comment would make its way to other ears. The next day, Alice told Nikki, a good friend who is also going to Jamaica (and had mentioned me going a few times before). Nikki apparently then called James, the high school pastor. On Saturday, after I spent some time shopping, I got a call from Nikki, wondering if I had heard from James at all. I hadn't, so Nik...
Learning to live courageously and love ferociously, following God one step at a time, desiring to be part of a story bigger than me.