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Showing posts from December, 2012

It's finals time!

Which means I probably should be working on something that's, you know, due in the next week or so, but I've got about ten minutes before I have to ready myself for Bible study. So there's clearly no time to do anything productive, right? I thought so. The fact that it is finally finals week is both good and bad. Good, because it means that the end of the semester is actually, blessedly HERE, and I'm that much closer to having a good solid month of no. work. to. do. at. all. Plus, it means that I'll get about two weeks in the ATL for Christmas/New Year's. Bad, because it means there's a ton of work sitting between me and said break. And so, because I'm particularly good at listings, here's one that should probably interest absolutely none of you. Things left to do in the next week and a half: Write 4.5 book reviews for ONE weekend workshop class. Write 1 additional paper for same said class. (Did you catch that? SIX papers for one weekend's...