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So, for the past few years, I've joined in with picking a word as a theme for the coming year. I haven't *strictly* followed the rules: two years ago it was the chorus of a song, last year I actually had 3 words. 
I tend to feel these themes or words stirring sometime in the fall, as if my spirit can sense where God is leading, or God is preparing me for what's coming. I think He just knows I need lots of preparation and process time before He throws me into something, and He's gracious enough to give it. 

This year was *mostly* no exception.

Later in 2017, I felt a stirring in my heart for joy & delight. I needed more of it in my life and I needed to understand God's heart for these things. I also needed a better understanding of how He views us -- me -- through a lens of joy and delight. That's a longer story & maybe I'll tell it one day, but it's not for now. 

These words resonated deeply in my soul, and I was convinced they were where God was leading for the coming year. In fact, during that early December snowstorm we had, I went out and played with the kids. We laughed so hard & just had fun, and I remember thinking how long it had been since I'd laughed or just had fun like that. My life is far too serious sometimes (personalities and what not), and I felt like that was confirmation of my word for the coming year. 

But God. 

At the beginning of this year, I was praying over the word, still convinced. As I was praying, I wrote that the word "joy" I was praying for was tied in with "fun, happy, wonder. Full. Cherish." And just like that, I knew. 

2018's word would be full. 

I told God this was both a weighty and hopeful word. It's terrifying, because full seems a lot more work than joy would be. But it's also exciting, because that's what Jesus promises in John 10:10 -- "I have come that they may have life and have it to the full." 

That word full is perissos in Greek. Which means any of a range of things, including superabundance, superior, preeminence, beyond measure, exceedingly, uncommon, surpassing, extraordinary, more remarkable, more excellent.

This is also part of the word that makes up the "immeasurably more" in Ephesians 3:20 -- 
"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us..."

That's incredible.

And that's my word for this year?! 

Since none of us can see the future, I obviously don't know what God is planning for this year. I can't see where this journey leads or what 2018 holds. But if God wants it to be full, then AMEN. 

I hope 2018 is full of family. Friends. Neighbors. People.
Laughter. Fun. Joy. 
Purpose. Wonder. Good.
Travel. Adventure. Discovery.
Learning. Embracing. Seeing. 
Health. Provision. 
Confidence. Hope. Love. Freedom.
Smiles. Hugs. 
Books. Words. Listening. 
Love. Heart. Faith. 

Full of all these things, for all of us. 

One thing God began working in me last year is that His full and my full may not look the same. I've lived that out for much of my adult life (and wrote a post about it here), and it's been crazy and amazing. But it's not always easy; sometimes it is the hardest thing to live out. We all have our own ideas about what a full life looks like, what it means for us. What dreams should be fulfilled. 

But God promises that He came to give us a full life, that He is able to do immeasurably more than anything we could ever ask or imagine. It may not look exactly like we thought or wanted, but it will be full. The best thing it will be full of is Him. 

Follow Him, and life will be full.
Abide in Him, and life will bear fruit.
Trust Him, and life will be abundant. 

It's hard, but it's so worth it. I'm walking this out beside you friend, and praying this for all of us. 

Immeasurably More.
With Him. 

Also, friends, I've just noticed a theme in some of the biggest lessons learned over the past few years.
His straight, not mine.
On His feet, not mine.
His full, not mine. 

All Jesus.
He's the only One, the only Way.
I sometimes have a hard time remembering that, but I'm thankful it's true. And I'm thankful I'm His. 


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